Customer Care

Have questions or curious about something in particular?

We want to make your shopping experience to run as smooth as possible. So we have curated a list frequently asked questions to give you the confidence in making a more informed decision. And if there is a specific topic we haven't covered for you, simply send us a message or feel free to just call us. We are here to help.

02 Contact Us

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03 FAQ's

  • Q1

    Do any products have harmful chemicals in them?

    Definitely not, we don't use any harsh dyes or chemical treatments. We proudly meet Reach standards, some of the world’s strictest guidelines to ensure the protection of human health and the environment from the use of chemicals.

  • Q2

    What do I do if I spill something on my mattress protector?

    Pop it into the washing machine using warm/hot water and then into the dryer or line dry.

  • Q3

    Can I dry my Staydry products in the dryer?

    Yes you certainly can. Dry up to 80 degrees.

  • Q4

    What is the best temperature to wash my Staydry product at?

    You can wash up to 80 degrees. This will ensure that any bacteria, dust mites and odours are eliminated.

Still looking for answers, good advice or just a real human to guide your through the process?